Unfortunately the Facebook apps block webRTC.
Please try pasting the URL into Chrome or FireFox or Edge.
You may do this from the three dot menu on the top right of your screen.
Share this URL to start a session
You can use the share icon at the top of the screen
Then email/text it to each of the students
Put on your headphones then press 'Done'
Click 'Accept' to join the Yoga session
You also need to permit access to your microphone and camera
Please confirm that you are using headphones.
Unfortunately the browser you are using does not support WebRTC.
Please retry using Safari, Chrome, FireFox, Edge - or pretty much any modern browser
Unfortunately the browser you are using does not support the full webAudio API.
Please try hosting the call with Chrome.
The members can use any modern browser
Unfortunately the session you are tryng to join is full.
A space may open up later.
Please try later or contact the host.